Top rated - OIES |

690 viewsThanks for a great few days, good sport and good company.PS I will keep practising on calls, only frighten a few, regards Stuart.     (2 votes)

Goose shooting in Scotland859 views     (1 votes)

Goose hunting in Scotland626 views     (1 votes)

Pinkfoot Goose1210 viewsMy cocker spaniel "olly" retrieving a pinkfoot goose to hand.     (2 votes)

Goose shooting in Scotland1190 viewsHello Mister COCHRANE, I wanted to say to you that I crossed(spent) an excellent stay with you, and that I would return very soon. Otherwise, could send you the photo that you set of me and my son with the gooses? Thank you. Mister FONTAINE.      (2 votes)

Chasse en Ecosse - JANUARY 20111113 viewsChasse du matin sur les oies cendrées avec un guide Des Cochrane
Regions de chasse Loch Leven, Tayside, Perthshire, Angus, East Lothian
Des Cochrane est un commanditaire officiel pour les visiteurs Permis de Chasse pour la chasse des chasseurs français en Ecosse
     (3 votes)

Goose shooting in Scotland 1673 viewsHi Des,
We want to thanks you for these 3 days of hunting.
It was amazing for us, we haven't see before many gooses and ducks.
I have your phone number, i think next year we'll come back.
I haven't pictures with me but you can take those on my facebook and we have made a video of us stay, this is the adress :
Have a nice day.
Félix     (2 votes)
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