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Caccia al colombaccio in Scozia1126 viewsStefano, Alessandro ed Enrico dalla Sardegna godere di un pomeriggio di caccia colombaccio     (1 votes)

771 viewsDes,
This is Ren, Cole and I thank you very much for the amazing hunting experience you provided for us this week. And going above and beyond what was necessary. Also thank you for getting the pictures up so fast I passed them along to my parents and I am sure they are enjoying them too.
Have a good evening,
Ren     (1 votes)

Woodpigeon shooting1203 viewsMartial Dorado, Jean-Baptiste Delaruelle and Jean-Francois Delaruelle     (1 votes)

Caccia in Scozia1176 views"Des, were supposed to be shooting woodpigeons"
Des, dovremmo essere colombacci caccia!"
Ok Raffaele il suo bene a camminare fuori la colazione scozzese completa
     (1 votes)

Caccia in Scozia con 1114 viewsRaffaele perso 2 chili di caccia questa lepre e gli stivali erano piccoli per lui
Spero di vederti nel dicembre Raffaele
Grazie, Des     (1 votes)
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