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Goose Shooting in Scotland1257 views

La chasse au canard en Ecosse avec Ukshootingbreaks Ltd.1242 views


Pinkfoot Goose1209 viewsMy cocker spaniel "olly" retrieving a pinkfoot goose to hand.


Woodpigeon shooting1203 viewsMartial Dorado, Jean-Baptiste Delaruelle and Jean-Francois Delaruelle


Goose shooting in Scotland1190 viewsSophie et son mari Philippe tournage cendrée près de Loch Leven en Ecosse
Sophie and her husband Philippe shoot Greylags off Loch Leven Scotland

Goose shooting in Scotland1190 viewsHello Mister COCHRANE, I wanted to say to you that I crossed(spent) an excellent stay with you, and that I would return very soon. Otherwise, could send you the photo that you set of me and my son with the gooses? Thank you. Mister FONTAINE.

| accoglie cacciatori Italia - Colombacci caccia a Fife in Scozia con GoShootingUk1179 viewsAlessandro and Raffaele flight woodpigeons
on a hot July day.
Raffaele told me his wife will think he has been to Tenerife with his sunburnt face instead of Fife Scotland

Caccia in Scozia1176 views"Des, were supposed to be shooting woodpigeons"
Des, dovremmo essere colombacci caccia!"
Ok Raffaele il suo bene a camminare fuori la colazione scozzese completa
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