Last additions - PIGEON RAMIER |

Woodpigeon Shooting882 viewsJean-Francois Delaruelle and his family enjoy a day woodpigeon shooting.
Further information on
or Contact : Des Cochrane direct 07725054046Aug 21, 2011

Woodpigeon shooting in Scotland923 viewsAug 21, 2011

Woodpigeon shooting1203 viewsMartial Dorado, Jean-Baptiste Delaruelle and Jean-Francois DelaruelleAug 18, 2011

1206 viewsAug 18, 2011

Woodpigeon shooting 746 viewsPeut-on voir Jérôme!Aug 12, 2011

1051 viewsAug 06, 2011

1188 viewsAug 06, 2011

642 viewsJul 27, 2011

859 viewsJul 27, 2011

Caccia in Scozia1176 views"Des, were supposed to be shooting woodpigeons"
Des, dovremmo essere colombacci caccia!"
Ok Raffaele il suo bene a camminare fuori la colazione scozzese completa
Jul 27, 2011

Caccia in Scozia con 1114 viewsRaffaele perso 2 chili di caccia questa lepre e gli stivali erano piccoli per lui
Spero di vederti nel dicembre Raffaele
Grazie, DesJul 27, 2011
| accoglie cacciatori Italia - Colombacci caccia a Fife in Scozia con GoShootingUk1179 viewsAlessandro and Raffaele flight woodpigeons
on a hot July day.
Raffaele told me his wife will think he has been to Tenerife with his sunburnt face instead of Fife ScotlandJul 27, 2011
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